Discussion Agenda for NCUC Constituency Day
27 OCTOBER 2009 NCUC Monthly Constituency Meeting
Scheduled for: Tuesday 27 October 2009 from 09:00 – 17:30 (South Korea)
During the ICANN Public Meeting in Seoul, South Korea
Also to be held via Elluminate online meeting software.
You can access the meeting online using Elluminate at http://cotelcocave.syr.edu:80/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1253307770532
If this is your first time using Elluminate, a low-bandwidth, java-based collaboration platform, please visit http://elluminate.com/support to configure your computer prior to the meeting.
Need volunteers to take running notes of meeting discussion please.
All times local to South Korea.
Schedule 27 Oct:
9:00 . 12:15: Morning Session (3 ¼ hours)
12:15 . 13:00: Lunch (45 minutes)
13:00 . 17:30: Afternoon Session (4 ½ hours)
Draft Discussion Agenda
I. Constituency Business (1 ¼ hours)
1. Member Introduction 9:00am Sharp
2. Membership Growth and Member Services (survey) 9:15am
3. Building stronger relations with other ICANN SO.s and how to do it 9:30am
With ALAC, With Govt Advisory Cmte, With other constituencies, etc.
4. ICT and Website Issues 10:00am
5. NCUC needs to find resources (financial support) to effectively participate in policy development @ ICANN 10:10am
II. Substantive GNSO Policy Issues
1. New gTLDs & Trademark Issues 10:15am (2 hours)
10:15 . 11:30: NCUC Discussion
11:30 . 12:15 Q & A with Kurt Pritz of ICANN on New gTLDs
12:15 . 13:00 Lunch (45 minutes)
2. .Vertical Integration. Issue and Registrar.Registry Separation 13:00 (45 minutes)
3. NCSG . NCUC Structuring Issues 13:45 (2 hours)
4. Affirmation of Commitment . ICANN Accountability 15:45 (30 minutes)
5. Registrant Rights Charter Working Group 16:15 (30 minutes)
6. Update on other GNSO teams 16:45 (45 minutes)
WHOIS, Post-Expiration Domain Names Working Group, IDNs, RAA, Registration Abuse Working Group
Any Other Business?
Next NCUC Monthly Meeting: 16-22 November 2009 To Be Doodled