Details for upcoming NCUC “Constituency Day” meeting in Beijing
NCUC’s Constituency Day meeting will be held from 9:00 − 12:30 Beijing time (UTC/GMT +8 hours) on Tuesday 9 April. A draft agenda is accessible from….
We will be devoting a majority of our time in the NCUC meeting to our new constituency building efforts, e.g. revamping our electronic platforms and bylaws, as well as our policy conference programming activities, finances, inreach/outreach plans, etc. The bylaws discussion will also provide an opportunity to consider some larger questions about NCUC’s mission and activities going forward. We hope folks will decide to join us; staff will post the remote participation information (Adobe Connect link and telephone bridge) at the after the holidays.
Most substantive policy discussions related to the GNSO Council meeting etc. will take place in the NCSG PC and NCSG Constituency Day meetings.