NCUC Members conduct Outreach and Knowledge Sharing at 1st Annual African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) in Durban
Over the course of 4 days last week, experienced NCUC Members conducted a series of workshops and lectures on various aspects of Internet Governance to a group of young African scholars, journalists, regulators and digital activists.
AfriSIG was organised by APC and NEPAD with additional support by Afilias, Google, ISOC, OSISA, NCUC and AFRINIC. The 12 sessions covered Internet Governance in Africa, Mapping of Internet Governance issues, Internet address management, the history of Internet Governance, holistic and multistakeholder approaches to Internet Governance, and the challenges of Civil Society in participating in Internet policy making processes.
NCUCers present and involved in the workshop included Carlos Afonso, Dr. William Drake, Avri Doria, Tim McGinnis, Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwachter and Joy Liddicoat. On the last day, NCUC sponsored an outreach evening at a local restaurant which gave AfriSIG participants an opportunity to mingle with a larger group of NCUC members in an informal setting prior to the beginning of ICANN47 and more fully understand the commitment and benefits of participating in ICANNs NCUC.