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NCUC Executive Committee meeting, 1/2015


Location: Hotel Beacon, Washington, DC
Time: Monday, 12th of January, 2015

Bill Drake (NCUC Chair)
Stefania Milan (EC European representative)
Peter Green/ Zuan Zhang 张 钻(EC Asian representative)
João Carlos Caribé (EC South American representative)
Grace Githaiga (EC African representative)
Absent/Apologies: Roy Balleste (EC North America representative)

1. Appointments
2. Budget
3. Annual Work Plan
4. AOB

1. Appointments

– Representatives to NCSG Executive Committee
Milton Mueller is stepping down; Tapani Tarvainen and Robin Gross appointed

– Representative to Public Interest Registries (PIR)
Bill Drake appointed

– 2 NCUC representatives to GNSO Standing Committee on Improvement
Amr Elsadr (lead representative) and David Cake (back-up) reappointed for now; we can revisit if someone else with the requisite background shows interest

– Treasurer
Milton Mueller reappointed

– Membership Affairs Team (regular members and EC):
Walid Al-Saqaf appointed to coordinate

2. Budget
– Discussed budgetary matters
– Approved Bill Drake’s extra hotel night before the NCPH meeting in Washington, DC as required by itinerary
– Approved reimbursement of some incidental hotel and group meal expenditures for NCUC members attending the Washington DC meetings

– Discussed 28 February 2015 deadline from ICANN for budget requests

3.  Annual Work Plan

– Discussed EC internal organization and member responsibilities
– Revise the bylaws? While some would prefer to instead push for an integrated SG structure rather than reinforcing silos, the board is unlikely to approve that anytime soon. Until that happens, the bylaws should be made more consistent with the NCSG Charter and NCUC’s actual practices. Multiple efforts over the years to attract serious commitments to work on this have failed, but we should try once again, seek to revise in the Spring so the Board can approve a revision in time to put it to a vote in next NCUC election.