NCUC civil society outreach event in Washington, DC, January 14
On Wednesday January 14, 2015, NCUC delegates to the GNSO NCHP Intersessional meeting will meet DC-based civil society representatives, think thanks and academics to discuss Internet governance issues. The meeting will take place from 10am-noon at the premises of the Center for Democracy & Technology on 1634 I Street NW, 11th floor. On the agenda, the IANA transition, accountability mechanisms in the context of globalization, human rights in internet governance, privacy and registry services, access to knowledge and intellectual property, freedom of expression and development, and ICANN in broader Internet governance, including NETmundial Initiative and the Internet Governance Forum. The meeting is by invitation only, but remote participation options are available (see below).
NCUC visitors
1. Bill Drake, University of Zurich / USA
2. David Cake, Electronic Frontiers Australia
3. Grace Githaiga, KICTANet / Kenya
4. João Carlos R. Caribé, Movimento Mega / Brazil
5. Kathy Kleiman, Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC / USA
6. Matt Shears, Center for Democracy & Technology / UK
7. Peter Green/Zhang Zuan, China Organizational Name Administration Center
8. Rafik Dammak, NCSG / Tunisia
9. Stephanie Perrin, Digital Discretion / Canada
10. Stefania Milan, Tilburg University / Italy
11. (Avri Doria will join late), Consultant / USA
DC/NY Local
1. Carolina Rossini, Public Knowledge
2. Danielle Kehl, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
3. David Sullivan, Global Network Initiative
4. David Post, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
5. Deborah Brown, Association for Progressive Communications
6. Elliot Maxwell, Consultant
7. Emma Llanso, Center for Democracy & Technology
8. Jane Coffin, Internet Society
9. Laura deNardis, American University
10. Markus Kummer, ICANN
11. Mohamad Najem, Social Media Exchange
12. Natalie Green, Public Knowledge
13. Patricia Aufderheide, American University
14. Robert Guerra, Consultant
15. Susan Aaronson, George Washington University
16. Tim Ridout, German Marshall Fund
Remote participation
Video participation link
Call-in number: +1-855-282-6330 (US toll free)
Calling from Call-in Numbers
Australia toll +61-28518-1929
Australia toll free 1-800-201-375
Austria Toll +43-125-302-1540
Austria toll free 0800-29-7264
Belgium toll +32-289-48324
Belgium toll free 080-077-668
Brazil toll free 0800-022-6008
Bulgaria toll free 0080-011-81101
Canada toll 1416-915-6530
Canada toll free 1855-244-8677
China North toll free 10-800-714-1692
China South toll free 10-800-140-1726
Croatia toll free 0800-22-2221
Czech Republic toll +420-22888-2892
Czech Republic toll free 80070-1389
Denmark toll +45-327-27724
Denmark toll free 80-88-7007
Estonia toll free 8000-10-0396
Finland toll +358-931-584-362
Finland toll free 0800-915087
France toll +33-1709-18645
France toll free 0800-900-714
Germany toll +49-692-551-14407
Germany toll free 0800-189-0387
Greece toll free 00800-16122-064461
Hong kong toll +852-580-81923
Hong kong toll free 800-963-073
Hungary toll +36-1700-8736
Hungary toll free 068-001-9520
Iceland toll free 800-9612
India toll free 0008-00852-1525
Indonesia toll free 0078-0301-63552
Ireland toll +353-152-60057
Ireland toll free 1800-947-184
Israel toll free 180945-3554
Italy toll +39-023-041-0441
Italy toll free 80087-5199
Japan toll +81-345-808163
Japan toll free 0053-116-1213
Latvia toll free 8000-4221
Lithunia toll free 88003-1396
Luxembourg toll +352-2088-1747
Luxembourg toll free 8002-7324
Malaysia toll free 1800-815-734
Mexico toll free 001-8005-143555
Netherlands toll +31-2079-47995
Netherlands toll free 0800-022-3356
New zealand toll +64-9929-1741
New zealand toll free 0800-45-9106
Norway toll +47-210-49734
Norway toll free 800-16931
Poland toll +48-222-953701
Poland toll free 00800-112-4317
Portugal toll free 80082-7742
Romania toll free 0800-895948
Russia toll +7-495-981-3969
Russia toll free 8800-1009-438
Singapore toll +65-315-81416
Singapore toll free 800-101-2601
Slovakia toll free 080060-6628
South Africa toll +27-11589-8338
South Africa toll free 080099-9613
South Korea toll free 0079-814206-3128
Spain toll +34-91769-9763
Spain toll free 9008-66941
Sweden toll +46-850-513565
Sweden toll free 020-012-0391
Switzerland toll +41-4345-69563
Switzerland toll free 0800-802382
Taiwan toll free 0080-112-7466
Thailand toll free 0018-00156206-3129
United Kingdom +44-203-478-5290
United Kingdom toll free 0800-051-7051
Meeting number: 646 666 480
Having trouble dialing in? Try these backup numbers:
+1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE
+1-415-655-0003 US TOLL
Global call-in numbers
Access code: 646 666 480