Minutes of EC Meeting, Jan 15, 2016
Location: NCUC Adobe Connect
Date: 15 January 2016; 14:00 UTC
Rafik Dammak (NCUC Chair)
Milton Mueller (North America representative)
João Carlos Caribé (Latin America/Caribbean representative)
Peter Green/ Zuan Zhang 张 钻 (Asia/Australia/Pacific representative)
Farzaneh Badii (Europe representative)
Maryam Bakoshi
Agenda / Action
NCPH Intersessional Meeting 2016
- Maryam Bakoshi, to send NCPH Intersessional agenda to the EC mailing list
- EC to finalize agenda for the Intersessional meeting, week beginning 18 Jan 2016
- EC supported an NCUC outreach event in LA, with the University of Southern California
Marrakech Meeting Preparation
- EC to work on agenda for the Marrakech meeting
- Rafik Dammak, suggested reducing the number of administrative items and to discuss more about substantive topics (policy or ICANN accountability)
Travel Support Policy
- Maryam Bakoshi, to share with EC previous Travel Support Call
- EC agreed to send an email to the NCUC mailing list asking for members to apply for travel support for ICANN meeting, most preferable from the Middle East/ North Africa region for logistical reasons.
FY17 Special Budget request
- Every EC member send a draft proposal for FY17 Special Budget request by Wednesday 20 Jan 2016
- EC to send email to NCUC members’ to get feedback and also other suggestions on FY17 Special Budget request by 23 Jan 2016
- EC to make call for volunteers to Policy Committee and SCI within the month of January 2016
- EC to confirm NCUC representative to the NCGS EC
- Maryam Bakoshi, to send previous “appointment” call to the EC
- EC to appoint one person to the NCSG Finance Committee
- EC to write out selection criteria for these calls
Bylaws Amendment/Update
- EC to go over google doc put together by Bill et al., look at which section should be worked on, prioritize and then start work
- Rafik Dammak, to share google doc with EC
- EC to send CROPP call to NCUC mailing list
- Maryam Bakoshi, to confirm who got the travel support to Dublin and to confirm if they wrote a blog post
- EC to translate NCUC Brochure to French and Arabic in time for Marrakech
- EC to create an NCUC Facebook page
- EC to discuss about seeing funding on next EC call