Minutes of EC Meeting 3/2014
Minutes of EC Meeting 3/2014
Location: Istanbul Internet Governance Forum meeting
Friday 5 September 2014Participants:
Location: Istanbul Internet Governance Forum meeting
Friday 5 September 2014Participants:
William Drake (NCUC Chair)
Stefania Milan (Europe representative)
Pranesh Prakash (Asia/Australia/Pacific representative)
Carlos Affonso Pereira da Souza (Latin America/Caribbean representative)
Stefania Milan (Europe representative)
Pranesh Prakash (Asia/Australia/Pacific representative)
Carlos Affonso Pereira da Souza (Latin America/Caribbean representative)
Absent with apologies: Grace Githaiga (Africa representative) and Roy Balleste (North America representative)Agenda:
1. Engagement of EC members in EC Work
2. Funding
3. Scope of NCUC work
4. NCUC website
5. 2014 EC electionsThe Chair opened the meeting, participants were introduced, and the agenda was created and approved.1. Engagement of EC members in EC Work
2. Funding
3. Scope of NCUC work
4. NCUC website
5. 2014 EC electionsThe Chair opened the meeting, participants were introduced, and the agenda was created and approved.1. Engagement of EC members in EC Work
• The group discussed the uneven level engagement in the EC, and the fact that the two previously agreed EC meetings had to be canceled due to poor turn-out and the lack of a quorum. There was consensus that more must be done to responsibly discharge the duties EC members are elected to perform.
• Outreach in EC members’ respective regions is a task specified in the bylaws. In the absence of a working membership team, EC members must make efforts to perform this role.
2. Funding
• Carlos explained that CGI.br soon will be delivering its annual financial support.
• As Treasurer, it would be helpful if Milton Mueller would inform the EC as to whether the promised funding from PRI has been received, and on the current status of our account.
• It was decided that NCUC will make available up to US $4,000 per ICANN meeting to support the participation of one to two members who are actively engaged in NCUC’s work and need to be at a given meeting. Calls for applications will be made on ncuc-discuss at least two months in advance of each meeting, and a given member may receive US $2,000. The precise criteria to be used by the EC in assessing applications for support was discussed and agreed (subject to some online tweaking for precision). The new Travel Policy will be announced on ncuc-discuss and posted to the NCUC website.
• NCUC did not take advantage of the funds available under the CROPP program in the last fiscal year. The availability of these funds for regional outreach efforts has been mentioned several times on ncuc-discuss but no expressions of interest were received from regular members, EC members, or NCUC representatives in other ICANN-related bodies. We should make efforts to take advantage of the opportunity this year. Bill said he will apply for support to participate in EuroDIG, and other EC members expressed interest as well.
3. Scope of NCUC Work
• NCUC EC members need not restrict themselves to administrative work.
• NCUC does its GNSO policy work in the context of the NCSG structures. Other kinds of policy-related activities, e.g. outreach discussions, policy meetings, web writings etc. can continue to be done at the constituency level as well. The EC should encourage and even propose relevant activities. Options discussed included outreach in new directions, e.g. to the hacker scenes, and preparing an e-book or other sort of publications showcasing NCUC members and NCUC’s work in the ICANN community.
4. Website
• Needs new life. Stefania and other to think about options.
• Providing links for interested members might be desirable, since we lost the social networking aspect of the old ning site when transitioning to this one.
5. 2014 EC elections
• The EC discussed the mechanics of conducting the next election and coordinating with soon to be announced new ICANN staff person.