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Minutes of EC Meeting 1/2014, January 28, 2014

Minutes of EC Meeting 1/2014, January 28, 2014
Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza
Roy Balleste

William Drake (chair)

Rafik Dammak (observer)

Grace Githaiga

Stefania Milan
Pranesh Prakash
1.  Introductions  
EC members who have not will provide bio links and SIOs for

2.  Updates & Overview of 1st Quarter Work & Annual Cycle  Of particular note, Q1 will be fairly focused on preparations for the Singapore ICANN meeting and the Sao Paulo Internet governance meeting, as well as updates to the NCUC website and related organizational infrastructure.   In Q2 we hope to revise the bylaws for submission to the ICANN Board.  In Q3 NCUC will presumably participate in the global IGF, in Q4 we’ll prepare for elections, and support for NCUC participation in NCSG/GSNO work will run throughout.3.  EC Internal 

a.  Working Methods

The EC primarily will work online and through rough consensus, with meetings and votes only as needed.

b.  EC/Member Teams & Division of Labor 
The EC agreed that Stefania will coordinate the E-platform Team, Carlos will coordinate the Bylaws Revision Team, and Bill will coordinate the Events Team.  The Membership Affairs Team remains without a coordinator and is languishing.  The Finance Team was an unsuccessful experiment and can be abolished; financial matters will be handled by the EC directly.
c.  Travel Funding (ICANN & NCUC)
Overview of the funding ICANN provides to constituencies for conference participation, as well as NCUC’s own (limited) ability to lend some support to EC or other members with a particularly pressing need to be at a given ICANN meeting.
d.  CROPP Funding Program
Pranesh agreed to serve this year as co-coordinator, along with Bill, of NCUC’s interface with the staff-initiated regional outreach funding program.
e.  Procedures in lieu of a Policy Committee
An outstanding question remains how to adopt policy statements and positions in lieu of a formal Policy Committee.  This matter has been raised at Constituency Day meetings and on the listservs without generating much interest in reconstituting and operationalizing a PC.  The long-standing practice of adoption via rough consensus among whomever happens to speak up on the members list has some issues and ought to be replaced in the bylaws rewrite, if not sooner.
f.  Tools (Adobe, Confluence, Skype etc.)  
EC members who have not will get Confluence accounts.
g. FY 15 Budget Requests
A number of EC members expressed interest in helping with ICANN budget requests this year.

4.  External Engagementsa. AppointmentsThe EC unanimously made the following appointments, with immediate effect:

  • NCUC Rep. to the Public Interest Registry: Carlos Affonso Souza
  • NCUC Rep. to the ICANN Nominating Committee: Brenden Kuerbis
  • NCUC Reps. to the NCSG Executive Committee: Robin Gross and Milton Mueller
  • NCUC Reps. to the NCSG Policy Committee: Stephanie Perrin and Marilia Maciel
  • NCUC Reps. to the GNSO’s Standing Committee on Improvements: Amr Elsadr and David Cake

b. NCSG, CCWG, 1NetThe importance of engagement with NCSG and other groupings was highlighted.  Pranesh volunteered to help represent NCUC on the Cross-Community Working Group on IG, as had Stephanie earlier.5.  Singapore Meeting

a.  General

The meeting’s importance for NCUC and ICANN was highlighted.

b.  Retreat + EC Meeting 
Overview of ICANN’s budgetary and logistical support for a new EC retreat to be held in Singapore, probably on 22 March.c.  Constituency Day
Agenda TBD
d. IG Conference  

Overview of ICANN’s budgetary and logistical support for the NCUC conference to be held in Singapore on 21 March.  Invitations to participate have been sent to the Board of Directors, the GAC, the CCWG, and the SO-AC leaders list.
e.  Conference WebsiteThe conference site will be constructed on the NCUC site.  ICANN will separately provide the registration functionality.

5.  Any Other Business