Cross-community conference set to go prior to ICANN 49
Please join us for a one-day policy conference, “ICANN and Global Internet Governance: The Road to São Paulo, and Beyond”, to be held on Friday 21 March 2014 just prior to ICANN 49. The conference is organized by the NonCommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) of the Generic Names Supporting Organization, with the generous support of ICANN. Cross-community panels will provide an overview of recent agenda-setting initiatives, discussion of core Internet governance principles and roadmaps for globalization and institutional innovation. Opening remarks will be given by NCUC Chair Bill Drake, with a keynote by Larry Strickling, Asst. Secretary of Commerce, Government of the United States.
Logistical information, conference registration (important!) and the program are now online at
This is very much an inclusive cross-community dialogue, so we hope people will consider attending, either in person or remotely, and please do share this announcement with potentially interested colleagues. We are compiling some background materials related to the session topics for addition to the web site, and personal/organizational written inputs would be very much welcome.
See you in Singapore!