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Sponsored by ICANN’s Noncommercial Users Constituency


Milton Mueller, Georgia Institute of Technology, Internet Governance Project, and NCUC co-founder

Kilnam Chon, Emeritus Professor, KAIST, and Internet Hall of Fame inductee

Thursday, November 3, 13:45 – 15:15


Novotel & HICC Complex

Hyderabad, India[]

Staging ICANN 57 in India – the first post-transition meeting – offers an opportunity for a wider community of South and South East Asian stakeholders to engage with ICANN. The NonCommercial Users Constituency has successfully created a platform for new users and civil society to engage with ICANN. The Centre for Communication Governance’s recent report on multistakeholderism in India shows that civil society and government engagement with ICANN has steadily increased over the last 5 years. However, there has been very limited academic interest in ICANN in the region. While there is some interest in internet governance, there is a need to build the capacity of actors who will engage with ICANN. By creating a network of academics and researchers, we hope to create a platform to share information and resources and to get feedback and ideas from other members of the network.

This meeting will focus on building a regional support network for researchers and civil society activists in Internet governance. It will introduce local academics to NCUC and the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (Giganet), and allow participants to share their ideas about what needs to be done in the region and what kind of work they are currently doing.

The meeting is open but focused on those interested in policy research and evidence-based policy activism within ICANN and related Internet governance institutions. Feel free to circulate this invitation to anyone in the region you think might be interested.

Dr. Milton L. Mueller

Professor, School of Public Policy

Georgia Institute of Technology