Working Teams

Working Teams

Several standing and ad hoc working teams exist to address specific administrative or functional issues within NCUC. Any NCUC member is welcome to join these teams and contribute. Most teams maintain public archives of their mailing lists.

NCUC Buddy Pilot Program

The NCUC Buddy Program is an onboarding and knowledge sharing method used to orient new community members. It involves assigning him or her to a NCUC buddy.

The buddy is an existing NCUC member, who guides the newcomer through 6 months in ICANN community. It would include a formal documented process that outlines the buddies’ responsibilities as well as what items they should cover over the first few weeks or months of joining. The buddy system would also encourage the newcomer to share tips, tools, knowledge, and techniques they learned from work/volunteer experiences, where applicable. The knowledge sharing goal is to incorporate new ideas and technologies that enhance the NCUC and ICANN community. Finally, a buddy would give the newcomer an opportunity to offer confidential feedback about how the onboarding process is going.

If you are interested in becoming a buddy, please send an email to,


The e-platforms team deals with the site and our associated digital infrastructure.

join the mailing-list

Current Membership:

Renata Aquino Ribeiro, coordinator
Brenden Kuerbis
David Cake
Farzaneh Badii
James Gannon
Lucas Moura
Maryam Bakoshi
Nadira Alaraj
Rafik Dammak
Stefania Milan
Tapani Tarvainen
William Drake

Task Force on NCUC Procedural Rules

join the mailing-list

In accordance with the NCUC bylaws, the Executive Committee is charged with coming up with procedural rules for various NCUC functions and activities.
However, processes are not only limited to the bylaws, hence the need to identify where else processes are needed. The NCUC will work together with NCUC members to identify where these processes are needed.

Lead: Anna Loup, North America Representative
Members: Farell Folly, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Rafik Dammak, Aaicha Chebbi, Corinne Cath, Jason Gerson, Tatiana Tropina, Ines Hfaiedh, David Cake, Renata Aquino, Farzaneh Badii
Working Document: link to google doc
Meeting Records: link to wiki